PR Campaigns – The blog

October 27, 2008

Photography and the connection

Filed under: Metis PR — letsgoblogging @ 11:24 pm
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On Garr Reynolds’ blog, Presentation Zen I found a presentation by David Griffin, photo director for National Geographic. Griffin shares some of the most astonishing and most famous photos published in National Geographic and discusses how photography can dramatically tell a story. Whether giving a presentation in front of classmates, or in front of a client, the use of storytelling is vital in getting the message across. Depending solely on imagery to relay your message can be risky, but if done correctly can deliver your message in a very effective way.

Griffin says photography can tell a broad story in a focused way and create understanding and empathy. By using images to tell your client’s story or the story of your campaign, you can zero in on the important facets of your presentation without being weighed down with bullet points and paragraphs. Reynolds says “the power of the image to make a connection and tell a story is indeed unlimited.”

At first I thought it would be impossible to completely rely on images during my presentation to deliver my message. I always thought there was a necessity for text on my slides, but now I realize that the audience will be more engaged and focused if a story is being told rather than bullet points just being rattled off.

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