PR Campaigns – The blog

April 13, 2009

Upcoming Presentations: Fear or Fun?

Filed under: LAM Creative — mgjersvi @ 11:50 pm
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So, we all have these major presentations right around the corner.  According to my classmates this fact is very big and scary.  For me, the presentation isn’t the scary part, that’s when I get to shine.  I don’t mean to say that I’m some world-class speaker, just that, as PR majors, that’s when we get to do what we’re best at.  I can’t imagine how hard it would be to pitch to a client without being able to really present your proposal to them.  Think about it.  If all we could do was send them a giant packet of information without having the opportunity to “sell” our ideas, our lives as PR practitioners would be infinitely harder. 

Here’s my thought: we get to present to an audience who is interested in what we have to say (at least we know Dr. Gilpin and our individual clients will be).  We are so lucky!  I was flipping through presentations on Ted with my own personal challenge in mind.  I decided to click on presentations that sounded completely boring and see how well the speakers could engage me.  It was kind of fun. 

Bonnie Bassler describes bacteria communication and makes me question the idea that I am a human.

C.K. Williams discusses his poetry, the idea of youth and something about having to pee in the sink.

David S. Rose explains how to pitch for money via powerpoint alone…a bit relevent.

Dan Dennett explains that being conscious does not make you an expert on consciousness.

So what do you think?  How are these speakers doing?  Are they engaging you?  Any tips for our own presentations?


  1. You picked some of my favorites, Megan. I just recently saw Bonnie Bassler’s, and thought it was amazing. I actually showed the David S. Rose one in class last semester, and was going to show it next week–now you may have saved me the trouble.

    Comment by drgilpin — April 14, 2009 @ 8:42 am | Reply

  2. I am definitely one of the people who is freaked out about giving the final presentation, but you’re right that it shouldn’t be a scary thing! We have spent so much time preparing and we obviously know out campaign plan very well, so there shouldn’t be anything to worry about. This is the most important part in the PR world because like you said, you have to sell your ideas in a creative way. I guess as students about to enter the PR world we need to get over our fear of public speaking!

    Comment by cconeder — April 15, 2009 @ 2:43 pm | Reply

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